Tiggy says she would not have been able to compete at her first World Sub-Junior Powerlifting Championships in Romania in August 2023 without her Grow a Star scholarship.
Tiggy Sadler-Barker says she would not have been able to compete at her first World Sub-Junior Powerlifting Championships in Romania in August 2023 without her Grow a Star scholarship.
The 18-year-old student from Newcastle used her scholarship to help pay for accommodation and food. She was also helped by generous donations to a Go Fund Me page.
She won bronze medals in both the squat and bench competitions and came fourth overall, narrowly missing out on another medal.
Tiggy says she is incredibly grateful to Home in Place for the Grow a Star program and to Beyond Bank for funding her scholarship. Her dad found out about the program and encouraged her to apply.
“To compete at an international level for the first time was an incredible experience and to come away with some medals was even better,” Tiggy says.
She fell into powerlifting only two years ago after a chance trip to a gym. Then, she couldn’t squat 60kg but can now squat an impressive 152kg.
She wants to encourage more women and girls into the sport which she says is very inclusive and supportive.
"Powerlifting is very empowering. It gives me energy and really benefits my physical and mental health. As a woman it is cool to feel strong.” Tiggy says.
"I love the environment, the people and the culture of the sport."
Competing at this level is a big commitment. Tiggy trains about 15 hours a week while juggling part time work and her studies. She is studying at the University of Newcastle to realise her other dream of becoming a PE Teacher.
Tiggy is keen to see how far she can go in the sport. She qualified for the World Championships by setting records and winning her age and weight category
(under-76kg sub-junior) at both the NSW and Australian championships.
She will again compete in the upcoming NSW Championships in Sydney in December 2023 and the National Championships in 2024.
Home in Place established the Grow a Star program to help financially disadvantaged young people realise their academic, sporting, or artistic dreams. It removes barriers by funding things such as specialist lessons or coaching, equipment or clothing, sports club registration and representative fees, some travel expenses, excursions, elective school subjects, music or dance lessons, or musical instruments.
Powerlifting is very empowering. It gives me energy and really benefits my physical and mental health. As a woman it is cool to feel strong.”
I love the environment, the people and the culture of the sport.